
PIREQA® is part by ECORFAN-Mexico S.C of Science and Technology Divulgation of Dissemination of Science and Technology in contribution to the formation of Human Resources to the continuity in the Critical Analysis of the Language, we are to RENIECYT-CONACYT 1702902 and integrated into the National System of Researchers-SNI-in levels I-II and III in the areas of next Languages Deutsch - العربي - Český - 中国 - Français - 日本の - English - Pусский - Italiano - Português.


To promote the development, linking and diffusion of the use of Universal Languages derived from basic and applied research, the technological development of quality and innovation, associated to the updating and improvement of the quality of education and the extension of Borders of knowledge in German, Arabic, Czech, Chinese, French, Japanese, English, Russian, Italian and Portuguese languages, turning science, technology and innovation into fundamental elements of the general culture of society and establishing and regulating policies In the field of promoting the use of Universal Languages in support of scientific and technological innovation in Mexico and abroad, for the benefit of the public, social and private sectors.

Establish instances and instruments through which the Executive Power of the state and municipalities will support scientific research, technological development and innovation in Mexico and abroad. Establish the basis for regulating public and private resources to promote, promote, strengthen, develop and support scientific research, technological development and innovation. Strengthen the State Science, Technology and Innovation System, as well as the training, promotion and training of high-level human resources in the use of Universal Languages.


In PIREQA® we developed an economy of knowledge:

• Human resources: It is essential for the creation, acquisition, diffusion and effective use of the Universal Languages.
• Effective innovation system: Development of playful games such as Lottery, Marathon, Memory, Domino, Traveler, Speaking, Crossword and Books that will allow to generate new knowledge in the learning of Universal Languages.
• Information infrastructure and adequate communication: these are the installed capacities that allow the development of innovative, scientific and technological activities of the Universal use of Languages.
• Economic and institutional driver of knowledge: refers to the network of institutional rules and procedures that influence how PIREQA® acquires, creates, disseminates and uses information from different languages.


There is the conviction of PIREQA® that investment in learning Universal Languages is a key tool for accessing a knowledge-based welfare economy. In this knowledge economy, productive activities are based on the learning of languages with high added value. This hypothesis is behind the Universal Languages, Technology and Innovation in Mexico and abroad.

Ethics Code

All decisions and actions of PIREQA®should be directed to the satisfaction of the needs and interests of the Academy, over and above private interests unrelated to the welfare of society. PIREQA® should not allow them to influence their judgments and conduct, interests that may harm or benefit individuals or groups to the detriment of the welfare of society. PIREQA® must act with honesty, always attending to the truth. Conducted in this way, PIREQA® will promote the credibility of society in public and private institutions to help generate a culture of trust and attachment to the truth. Assume fully the responsibility of society to perform its functions adequately and subject to the evaluation of society itself. This forces it to perform its functions with efficiency and quality, as well as to count on the permanent disposition to develop processes of continuous improvement, modernization and optimization of resources. PIREQA® will act without granting undue preferences or privileges to any organization or person. Their commitment is to make decisions and exercise their functions objectively, without personal bias and without allowing the undue influence of other people. It must be conducted with a sensitive and supportive attitude, respect and support towards the society with whom it interacts. This behavior should be offered with special attention to those people or social groups who lack sufficient elements to achieve their integral development and those who have less.

Conduct Code

To know, comply and carry out action plans with responsibility and in compliance with the laws and regulations that regulate my functions as a team at PIREQA® Encourage compliance with regulations in all my acts. Communicate to the competent authorities any irregularity, acts of corruption or omissions contrary to the law. To fulfil my functions in accordance with the principles of legality, honesty, loyalty, impartiality and efficiency. Use PIREQA® goods, services and programs for personal, partisan, electoral or other purposes. Responsibly use the information under my responsibility. I refrain from using, sharing, altering and hiding information that impairs the functions of PIREQA®. or in order to unduly or prejudice a third party. Use the human, financial, material and computer resources assigned, in a responsible manner and in accordance with the regulations to contribute to accountability and the common good. Refrain from subtracting or plagiarizing goods, services and programs contracted by PIREQA® for personal purposes. Equally attending the academy, regardless of gender, age, race, creed, religion, political preference, sex, marital status, language, ideology, sexual preference, work or profession, physical appearance, disability or Health, socioeconomic status or educational level. Refrain from engaging in situations that could represent a conflict between my personal interests and the interests of PIREQA® I should not accept gifts or encouragement of any kind that purport to influence my decisions as a PIREQA® team. Foster a cordial, harmonious and organized work environment, within a framework of respect, communication and openness with other areas. Conduct my actions with dignity and respect towards myself and my colleagues, promoting fairness, tolerance and friendly and cordial treatment regardless of gender, special abilities, age, religion, sexual preferences or hierarchical level.